Day 7 of the Blog Challenge "Write about a HOT TOPIC. Something that people hold strong opinions about. So I had lots of ideas on this. The purpose is to evoke some sort of following based on your opinions on a topic if I understand the course materials correctly. Sorry peeps, that's not what this blog is going to be about. If you want to get into some weird never ending debate with me on whether or not I think you should be depressed if you had the opposite sex baby than you wanted. You are going to have to "friend" me personally. Bottom line, I have super strong conservative values, not a real shocker if you have read any of this blog. I respect the rights and opinions of each person and try not to judge. What works for me may not work for you and visa versa. There now that is over with. BUT it's the last day and I am not giving up! So instead I am going to answer a reader question. "What are 5 things that every photographer wishes/wants their client to know before beginning a session?" Because I am ME I took this question 2 ways. So I am going to answer it this way, because in this post Preparing Children for a Photo Session I think I have covered 5 things that are important before each session.**UPDATE** The reader who asked the question confirmed with me I went the right direction for her question! I had to think long about this, because truthfully I have some freaking awesome clients. I really can not say that enough! However, in the super secret underground photographer society...hahaha (hear my witchy laugh) these are some of the things that get tossed around and usually make me go Yep I can relate! These are in no particular order....And please know if you have ever fell into one of these categories, it's Ok I still love you! Please, please stand DIRECTLY behind me. Not to the left of me, not to the right. Right behind me, like we are awkwardly one person. Don't worry I won't be weirded out. I totally get it. You are just trying to help. Sometimes it is essential and other times just standing behind me relaxing is fine. I love a picture where a kid is not looking at the camera. What I don't love is a forced smile directly at me and eyes totally somewhere else. "Photoshop" is not a miracle. Adobe Photoshop is a wonderful tool and can be used to adjust and fix different issues however, if you want the LA model experience you have chosen the wrong photographer. And guess what you probably don’t realize is that you’re already gorgeous & that your children love you for who you are. So just embrace it and don't spend your whole session going on and on about how much you hate how you look. Every session is different. As is every photographer. Photography is a form of art no different than a commissioned painting, we just use a different type of brush. Each photographer has their own style and if you don’t like what you see on my web site chances are that I am not a good fit for your family. While I love, love Pinterest, she and I have had our rough patches. I do encourage people to share their boards with me to help me understand their vision, but it has happened that I am hired by client and then forwarded a Pinterest board that does not reflect my style or visions as a photographer. Please, don't expect me to change my style to match your Pinterest board. Please choose your photographer based on their style. There is just no reason I can come up with that you need to see all 250 snaps taken at your session. Trust me, I pinky promise I won't keep any of the good ones for myself. Please don't sweat the small stuff. If little Lilly has a hair out of place, but is finally sitting nice like you want her to. Now is not the time to start fiddling with her. Don't worry I will tell you if I want you to adjust something if I am unable. We all have vision of exactly what we want, but reality is that it is just that a vision. Sometimes when dealing with children it's best to just roll with it! Well there is some of the not so glamours part of being a photographer. Above all when my clients come to a session I want them to relax and have fun. I want them to leave thinking that was not bad at all. When ever I take my own children's pictures it is a HOT MESS! They don't listen. They give me the smile they know I want but their eyes and minds are elsewhere. One is always off cue. The list goes on and on. They know all my tricks, so that is hopeless. They know all buttons, so that is just annoying. Some years I hire a photographer to take them and other years I don't. Well last night after a particular "vision" I had in my head went down the toilet I was feeling a little defeated. I was like really, how bad is it going to look if I can not even get a decent picture of my 3 kids together for a Christmas card ? Well by the time we got home and I was backing them up and looking at them. I was just laughing at all their crazy little faces, the attitudes, the 2yr old glares. Yep, these are my 3 crazy's. Would they have done better for someone else? ABSOLUTELY! Will I accept that an imperfect group photo shows how we lived? You betcha! Thanks for sticking with me through the 7 Day Blog Challenge. I look forward to many more posts. I would love ideas on what you would like to see on the blog.
Leave me a comment if you have an idea. Many Many Blessings ~ Monique |
April 2020