![]() If you have spent any time with me whether in person or just through social media, by now you realize I am obsessed with 3 things. My kids, photography and caffeine. Not always in that order ;) I love nothing more than spending the day with my camera phone in hand, my kids running around happy and a nice cold Mt. Dew Amp on the counter. I sometimes feel like the paparazzi trying to capture every little thing they do. I am often approached with comments like this. "You are so lucky you have a "nice" camera to be able to take all those pictures of your kids". "You must never get anything done in your house if you are always taking pictures" and my personal favorite "Your kids must get sick of you taking their picture all the time" So let me clear up a few things. If you have asked me any of the questions above, attended one of my workshops or belong to my private Facebook group for workshop attendees you have heard this before but I am going to answer them all again. You do not need a "nice" camera (whatever that is really) to take awesome pictures of your kids. You need to know how to use the camera you have. I am in love with my camera phone. When my phone suddenly stopped working this summer and I was without it for a week, I darn near lost my mind. I grabbed for that phone a 100 times and missed a 100 photo opportunities. Many of our smart phones have settings and capabilities that our "nice" cameras have - you just need to learn it, use it and PRACTICE! Did I mention PRACTICE! Yes I could have walked around all day with my big dSLR camera strapped around my neck during that week,but lets face it, it's hard to do the dishes and change diapers like that. I love that I can tuck my phone in my back pocket and whip it out like a cowgirl in a shoot out. Secondly, I do get stuff done. Not near as much as I would like but it's all relative. Snapping a photo of something my kids are doing takes 2 seconds and I move on to what I was doing. Last but not least, my kids love having their picture taken. Whether it's from me or someone else. They do behave a little better for the formal pictures for other photographers but then again I would rather capture their everyday moments anyways. My kids, including my youngest, love to sit and go through their photos. They love that they can remember stuff through the photos as well."Mom remember when my tooth fell out at Taco Bell and I swallowed it"? (child holding my phone up to my face with that photo laughing hysterically) I don't feel they nor I will ever regret how many photos I took of them. Don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful portrait blown up life size on canvas on my wall (can't wait to show you guys the ones I just ordered...so giddy) but lets face it most of us can barely swing 1 professional photo session in our budget each year. I get that, but why are we missing the everyday moments? Our current technology makes it so easy to capture the moments. I am not super great at long term commitments. I start off strong and then life takes over and I forget. Sometimes I need the word CHALLENGE to up my level of commitment. So here is the challenge. It's ONLY 7 DAYS you can do this, I promise!!! Take a picture each day for 7 days of something that reminds us our kids were here (fur babies count too!) It can be your grandkids, nieces, nephews, the neighbors kids, anybody you want. Follow me on Instagram at MoniqueCurryPhoto and post your photos with the hashtag #7daysofkids. Challenge will run from February 9th until February 15th. You can post multiple pictures per day. The sky is the limit, but you must use the hashtag #7daysofkids. What's in it for you? I will tell you, 7 days of priceless memories captured. So grab your smartphone, ipod, ipad whatever you own and get to snapping! Do you know an Instagram lover? Click the Facebook Like at the bottom of the post and share the love! and because no post is complete with out a few pictures. Our first cookie decorating experience in the Curry house was interesting to say the least ;) |
April 2020