First let me apologize for being so absent lately. Eek things just get so crazy once Spring hits. The kids have a million things going on school, I get motivated to get some of my personal projects complete and best of all the inquires and bookings for sessions start to roll in! I am very excited about a few crafty non photography related projects I am finally able to work on and can't wait to show you guys. A few weeks ago now I was asked to photograph a wedding. WHAT?? You don't do weddings Monique!!! I know, I know, but I could not resist. Aside from this being someone who I have known for a very very long time along with members of her family, once she laid out the details of the wedding I was giddy. A vintage wedding....I was like hells yes! It was truly a memorable experience. While I have attended weddings before there was just something surreal about being 1 out of 5 people in a little courtroom witnessing two young people enter into a lifelong commitment. And two perfect people at that to be joined. Take 5 minutes and watch their Wedding Day unfold. It's totally worth it! Then please take a moment to send them a blessing in the comments below. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Zinser
April 2020