Day 2 of the Blogging Challenge. The story behind what I do? A story you say or a novel? Well once upon a time...NO, JUST KIDDING! Let's be real, this life I am living is no fairy tale. It's a great tale, but it is very REAL. I spent many years in the cosmetology industry. First behind the chair, into management and then teaching. I love teaching. I love seeing the sparkle in someones eye when that something finally clicks. I also love learning and I feel like I learn so much from teaching others. After I had my second son it became clear to me that I wanted very much to follow my 2nd dream. That dream to be a stay at home mom. Like many dreams they are just that, dreams and fantasies. These unrealistic things in our heads. I enjoyed the first year still working 1 day a week and then finally none. After having worked with the public for so many years it was difficult to lose all adult contact. I very much enjoyed being home with my children but needed a little creative outlet away from play-doh and mud pies. I began pouring my energy into developing my 3rd dream, to become a professional photographer. I spent hours and hours reading and practicing and then spent some more hours reading and practicing. After I had pushed my point and shoot camera to the limit one Christmas my husband and I agreed my present that year would be a new DSLR camera. From there I knew I could help provide for my family by challenging myself to make my love for photography into a successful business. That last part is still an ongoing thing. My passion for photography has always been there, but it truly surfaced when I had my children. I just don't think I can photograph them enough. These moments in our lives pass so quickly and I am afraid one day I won't remember them. With the advancement of cell phones over the last few years I find myself wishing I would have had that technology even with my first son. Silly me always forgot the camera on the counter! I rarely forget my phone :) Did I mention how much I love my smartphone? Like, LOVE IT! My true passion and inspiration in life is being a mom. I have a love hate relationship with my children growing. I think my camera helps me through that. My children have taught me so much about myself and about how I want to go through life. I want to use my camera to capture those moments for other families and use my skills to teach others how to do the same. Fifty years from now I want families to be able to pull out a photo album (that means you must PRINT your photos people, but that's another blog post) and gather around and remember all the stories. When my husband's grandma passed she left behind the most insane amount of photos I have ever seen. Some were ones she had gathered from passed family members and some were taken by her. It was amazing to look through the old photos and try to imagine what the story was. I am just not sure if a person can ever have too many photos. I feel like as a family we have only cracked the cover of our book, but I am so curious to see where our story takes us! Can you imagine the story here? Who wants to make a bet someone was yelling OK EVERYONE LOOK AT THE CAMERA (into the direct sun mind you) AND SAY CHEESE! Well there it is. Day 2. I hope this post gave you a little insight into what I am passionate about. Above all I hope it encouraged you to get out whatever camera you have, take pictures of your life, and PRINT them!!! Did I say it loud enough? I will try again, PRINT THEM! Do you print your photos or do they sit on an electronic device? I want to know. Leave me a comment below.
Blessings ~ Monqiue |
April 2020