No seriously! Where did 3 months go? My last post was on June 3rd, 2015. Truth be told several times I have sat down to post and nothing I had in my head seemed interesting enough to write down. After all it's summer and we all want to be outside soaking it in. Not reading emails. Our family spent the summer doing what we usually do. Playing outside, swimming and making lots of messes! We enjoyed a family trip to South Dakota this year, watched A2 play lots of baseball, went camping and spent a lot time making memories with friends! I took up running. That has been an experience in itself. On June 1st I was unable to run 1 BLOCK (I know sad) and as of today, I have completed (3) 5K's in around 30min. I am looking forward to achieving other goals with that. The summer was also filled with lots of sessions. Some new faces and some old! As the kids go back to school I am anxious to get back into a routine. Working at home with 3 kids certainly has its challenges. As I type this I am enjoying my first quiet work morning in quite awhile! I am so looking forward to Fall. I love seeing all my old clients again, meeting more new faces and the gorgeous photos that become. I am also so excited for the Christmas studio sessions this year. Here are few highlights... I hope you enjoyed a few highlights from our summer, I hope yours was joyous as well!
Did you and/or your family do or try summer new? Any new traditions in the making? Til next time.... ~Monique |
April 2020